Hellesdon Live Country Music Club Nights
We stage monthly live country music club nights, ordinarily on the second Saturday of each month.
All club nights are 7:30 pm (doors at 7 pm) to 10:30 pm.
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers are provided below and can also be accessed here; but first what these nights are all about.
Hello and thank you for visiting our Hellesdon page.
In the old days there were many country music venues and bands. At Hellesdon Community Centre, we have found their fantastic refurbished community facilities and excellent staff support, and it is our belief that regular country music and informal dancing is needed and sorely missed. Musicians love to sing and play; and all people need and like to go out, to have a good time and enjoy themselves. So the vision which hopefully you can identify with and fully share and support is basically contained within these principles;
- There should be a monthly meet – with a "Club" community type "feel".
- An accessible friendly welcoming safe environment should await all – including for people who might live and want to come on their own (and who do not even know anybody there until they meet new friends) and for all those with their partners, their families, and friends.
- There should be performed "Live" Country Music. not people just singing along to karaoke backing tracks, played from their mobile phones; which many local country music events and festivals have perhaps become.
- There needs to be variety, and consistency, and active management to not become stale. A resident band with line-up variations, and invited guest slots will assit this. Together achieving an element of surprise, ongoing interest, enjoyment, and fun. There can be optional country music knowledge quizzes etc., so as to break down barriers, and to get people talking to each other.
- Pricing for admission should be fair, with "The Club" being a community and not for profit, covering its costs and expenses, while achieving and retaining a workable surplus to cover future unknowns, ups, and downs, but so as to also make donations to known and agreed charities from time to time.
- Attendees would probably much prefer to be left and to make their own arrangements as regards sourcing and bringing their own their food and drink. This being as opposed to bar spending adding not insignificantly to the cost of an evening out in these more pressing times. As a fallback teas and coffees could otherwise be available.
So we have, in principle, simple events driven by the people supporting and attending which can be provided and "staffed" by a minimal voluntary team – Not Events driven by the promoters' profit motive and need including expected necessary profit contributed from bar sales and product sales.
Lets make it work together. Thank you
Frequently Asked Questions
This account is for CM Nights Only;
- Account name: Michael Delph
- Sort code: 30-15-39
- Account number: 23902468
Yes, the terms are;
- If the Event is Cancelled, your Admission will be refunded in full. If details of the event are significantly changed – significant changes being if the event is moved from its advertised venue, or the date is changed, Tickets already purchased may remain valid should you wish to attend the revised event. If not, your booking will be refunded in full.
- For Ticket Enquiries contact us via e:mail Mike@mikedelph.co.uk, or via the Contact Us Form on our Web-site www.themustangs.band
- Tickets cannot be exchanged, refunded or replaced if lost. In any circumstance where an exchange or refund is desired, you should contact mike delph directly as he may at his sole discretion agree to your wishes.
- Professional photography or recording is not permitted.
- By attending the event, you consent to be filmed and sound recorded as part of the audience.
- You shall not bring into the venue or display or distribute (whether for free or not) at the event any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.
- If you are involved with abusive, threatening, drunken or other anti social behaviour at the event or are carrying offensive weapons or illegal or prohibited substances you may be refused admission to or rejected from the venue without compensation or refund.
- If you experience problems during the event please bring this to the immediate attention of the door staff, or Mike Delph, as every effort will be made to resolve issues.
- Mike Delph will under no circumstance be responsible for any remedy for inconvenience, consequential expenses incurred, or any other loss or damages, resulting from this Event being staged, or resulting from its cancellation.
This information is also on the back of all tickets.